The brainchild of 21 year old Dutch entrepreneur (Boyan Slat), the Ocean Clean Up project, is intended to clean up plastic from our world’s oceans – largely using the ocean’s own current.
In June 2014, Boyan teamed with scientists and engineers to make his Ocean Clean Up project a reality. In simple terms, the plan was to deploy a huge V-shaped, floating barrier system below the ocean surface – anchored to the seabed. Sea life is often lost when they consume or are entangled in plastic waste, so ensuring their safety was a priority. Sea currents flowing beneath its booms would allow fish to escape and plant life to live. While the project won’t eliminate all plastic pollutants in our oceans, they think it will eliminate 99%.
By December last year, the first testing area in Dutch waters begun…we can’t wait to hear how things went.
But, what happens to the collected waste?
Large corporations have indicated their interest in buying the waste plastic – ensuring the project’s revenue will help fund future clean ups.
How we are helping?
To begin with, the majority of our packaging is designed to minimise the requirement for multiple, smaller, containers – simply refill an applicator. Secondly, all our containers are fully recyclable – simply wash them and place in your plastic recycling or reuse. Upcycling your container is also a fun (and creative) use.
Chemical Solutions is committed to increasing our role here and a number of prototype recycling collection projects are underway, on which we will keep you posted.
How you can help?
Recycle, Reuse and upcycle!
Eco are running a challenge in July to help reduce plastic waste – Click here to learn a little more and register.