The following is a quick guide on chemical testing strips – why they’re important, and which ones to use for your needs.
Benefits of testing
First of all, why do we test?
Your cleaning chemicals contain disinfectants that are responsible for killing bacteria and viruses on the surfaces you need to keep sanitised.
However, if the level of the disinfectant chemical in your solution isn’t high enough, you risk leaving surfaces contaminated with infectious diseases that could spread onto your products and threaten the health of your staff and customers.
Chemical testing strips are thus essential to ensure your solutions are at the correct disinfecting strength.
Additionally, testing strips are simple to use and can be done yourself.
What’s important is not just that you are testing, but that you are using the correct test, as each test strip is designed to detect the levels of a specific type of disinfectant chemical.
What are the tests
The two primary tests we use for our products are chlorine tests, and quat tests. See below for an example of each test kit.

This can be used to test for chlorine concentration in disinfectant solutions.
These solutions might include products such as Kemsol Chlorosan, Kemsol CIP 247, or Kemsol Sani-Foam.

This can be used to test for quaternary ammonium compound (quat) concentration in disinfectant solutions.
These solutions might include products such as Kemsol Quat 2000, Kemsol Quat Hi-Foam, or Kemsol Auto Q.
How to test
These test kits typically work by taking your test strips, dipping it in your solution, and then comparing the colour that shows up against an included colour reference chart.
However, each test kit works differently, so we recommend you follow the directions on your particular test kit.
We’re happy to help
Our experts are always happy to assist you when it comes to chemical testing or any of your cleaning chemical needs.
Give us a call, or flick us a message!