Get the most bang for your buck by ensuring your cleaning chemicals last as long as possible
Handling your cleaning chemicals incorrectly is not only dangerous but money wasting.
Read on for a bunch of expert tips for extending the life of your cleaning chemicals.
Dilute appropriately
While some cleaning products come ready to use, many of them require you to dilute them to a specified ratio.
The listed ratio specifies the most effective dilution for the product to be used safely and effectively.
Under-diluting the product could lead to wastage, increased environmental impact, and increased costs as you’ll need to replace the product sooner than required. Additionally, depending on the cleaning application, using excess chemical can leave residue and/or streaking.
Over-diluting is equally undesirable, as your solution will be weaker than recommended. You risk leaving surfaces improperly sanitised which could lead to negative health outcomes for staff and customers.
Diluting appropriately avoids all these issues and saves you money.
Measure accurately
You can only dilute appropriately if you measure accurately. We advise to always use proper tools for measuring chemicals and never to eyeball it.
When it comes to liquids, we recommend using tools such graduated measuring cups, graduated cylinders, and graduated spray bottles.
Using a dilution ratio calculator can also make it easier for you to calculate exactly how much water and chemical you need for each solution.
Visit the page below for a handy chart:
Spot clean
When applying a new product to a new surface, always perform a spot test first!
We recommend applying a small amount of product (diluted in solution if appropriate) to a discreet area.
This can save you both time and money if it turns out the surface is incompatible with the cleaning chemical.
Additionally, some products are more effective at spot cleaning and tackling stubborn stains and soiling, rather than for general cleaning and sanitising.
Always refer to the product directions for the exact method and areas of application.
Consider microfiber
When appropriate, microfiber cloths and mop heads can be a more effective material for use with cleaning chemicals.
Microfiber tends to be highly absorbent, which helps it absorb and retain cleaning chemicals more effectively.
This may reduce the amount of chemical you need to apply to your surfaces for an effective clean.
Avoid cross-contamination
Chemical cross-contamination is not only highly hazardous, it leads to wasted chemical and money.
We recommend disposing of chemicals that have been contaminated by other chemicals and/or foreign substances.
To avoid this, there are a few practises you can employ to ensure your chemicals are kept pristine and last long.
Sanitise your cleaning equipment properly after each use
Store your chemicals properly. This includes storing them in a secure, cool, and dry place, away from direct sunlight. Some chemicals products also shouldn’t be stored together. Always refer to the SDS for full safety information.
Consider concentrates as an alternative
If you want to further reduce costs, consider chemical concentrates, such as Kemsol Ultra Concentrate.
Concentrates are not only more cost-effective and last longer, they’re also better for the environment as they’re easier to transport, and reduce packaging waste.
Contact us for more info
If you’re unsure about how to optimise your cleaning chemical usage, contact our team and we’d be more than happy to help!